Friday, November 23, 2012

Cell Phone Whispers SeXStoRY

I had insomnia. It wasn't the "I'm worried about this or that," kind of insomnia, rather, it was simply my eyes opened and though it had only been five hours of sl**p instead of the usual eight, my body was telling me it was time to get myself moving. But move to where at 3 AM thought I? So, after not more than a few minutes of dwelling on it, I brushed my teeth, got dressed, ran the electric razor over my face to remove any overnight stubble, washed my face and after picking up one of my baseball hats, I made the thirty five minute drive downtown to one of our three casinos. It was only to play quarter video poker. The idea of playing for higher stakes than just the ego boost I might get from playing the game on my laptop at home added a certain "thrill," to the morning. It was 4:00 AM as I pulled into the casino valet area, rather than the "Self Parking," garage I normally use. While I was awake after the two large cups of green tea I'd slugged down before leaving the house, I was feeling supremely lazy this morning all the same. Besides, those poor valets were standing out in sub zero weather at that time of the morning, working hard, and the tip they would get from me after I left (Hopefully with all my winnings - smile), would help in some small way to make it all worthwhile. Getting out of my car, I was not really paying attention to anyone, or anything for that matter, going on about me. Head down, singular in purpose, I made my way past the valets, and the people who were standing outside the doors, people who'd obviously been there all or most of the night just ending, waiting for their cars and to head home and sl**p. Gliding in the door, out of the corner of my eye, I caught the movement of black leather. I turned to my right, ever so slightly, and as I did so, I saw "Her," standing against by the bench seats rather than sitting. She was a black Goddess and she was dressed head to toe in black leather as well. She was in her mid thirties, thirty six if I had to apply a number, about 5'8" tall, a sensual shape and an air of total and complete confidence. The word "Leather Goddess," was fitting for her in every sense of the word. From the long, black leather coat that went below her knees, to her black leather pants that I could see through her coat opening, to the black leather, sleeveless vest she had on over her tight, black turtleneck sweater, to her black leather boots with a sharp, pointed toe, that laced in the front and had about a four inch heel, to the black leather gloves she held in her left hand, she was breathtaking and very dominant and commanding in her appearance. In her right hand, I noticed she was holding a cell phone and having a conversation with someone on the other end who was as up as early as she. Her inch long, red lacquered nails, and matching red lipstick only added to her aura, as did her voice which was light, but at the same time very commanding in its tone as she spoke to the person on the other end. I paused, making like I was looking for something in one of my pants pockets, so taken was I by this dominant looking Ebony Goddess. As if it wasn't bad enough being so taken by her visual appearance, it was what I overheard her saying to the person at the other end of the conversation that shook me to my very white, submissive soul. "That damned pet," she said louder than before, not caring if anyone was listening to her or not. "I've about had it with his antics. When I get in that door, I'm going to put him in his collar and leash, put a tranquilizer down his throat, muzzle him, and then put him in a dark room for several hours with the door locked. Maybe that will calm his sorry ass down." I hadn't moved as it was. Hearing those words come from the red lips of this black Goddess made me even more helpless. I dropped my keys and saw her glance over at me, smiling. As she did this I stooped to pick up my keys, putting them back into my pocket. Without giving me so much as another glance, she continued on with her phone conversation. I fumbled putting my keys back into my pocket just so as to hear more of what she was saying. "Who would've thought having a pet would be this much trouble? I swear, he's really going to get it. I'll be home in about half an hour. Wait wait up for me and I'll tend to him when I get myself in. Talk to you then." By now a mass of excited nerve endings, the result of what I'd just heard and seen, I screwed up my early morning nerve and walked over to where she was standing. My mind was swirling over what I had first seen and just heard. My senses were jumbled and fixated on this divine black Goddess I had just by pure chance encountered. She was putting her phone back in her black leather purse and as she finished doing so, she looked up at me. "Ummm, excuse me, Ma'am, but I couldn't overhelp hearing what you just said, and, and, and, if you were looking for a well behaved pet, I, I, I, would be very well behaved for you. You could put me in a collar, put me on your leash, give me a tranquilizer, muzzle me and put me in a dark room for hours, and I would be very obedient," She looked me up and down as she smiled slightly at me. "Well, it just so happens that I am looking for another white pet because the one you overheard me talking about with my roomate is getting on my last nerve. How perceptive of you to pick up on my conversation, and even better that you realized I was not talking to her about a dog or cat." She reached into her purse and pulled out a pen and a small white note card. She asked me my name and as I replied, she wrote something onto the card and handed it to me. My name is Dana, and I will expect a call from you at 6 PM this evening. Not a minute before, not a minute after. If you are truly serious being a pet, and being in the exact same place my current white pet is, you will comply. Perhaps in time you will be calling me Mistress Dana, and I will not only be your bossy black Goddess, but your owner as well." With that, she looked me up and down once again and headed toward the door where the valet had brought her Seville around, and was waiting with the door open for her. As I watched her walk away, even more mesmerized and enthralled, I placed the card she had given me into my wallet so as not to lose it. I thought of that lucky white male who would be experiencing her wrath, and her dominance when she walked in the door. I so wished it was me. That lucky bastard. I looked at my watch. It was 5 AM. 13 hours until Ms. Dana commanded me to phone her. It was going to be a long day. → Leave Comment

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