Sunday, August 5, 2012

Encounter at Travelodge: Part 1: Or “How it SeXStoRY

Once, just once I thought I'd give it a shot - randomly message a user in the town I was going to, and see if she wanted to meet up. Now, I make no pretense that I am the jackpot that every woman looks for in a man - I’m slightly overweight, have my own quirks to contend with, and, well, let's be honest, this whole "top" thing is a problem for some, but allegedly, everyone gets those 20 seconds of insane courage and bravery in life (we Bought a ZOO taught me that...), don't they? So, there went nothing. And I waited. And waited. And then, from nowhere, le wild message appeared! "Sure. I'll be at the bar. Start the scene right away and don't break it, my safe word is "hippopotamus"". Well, this was a surprise. Heck, it was a shock to the system; I didn't really expect her to answer me. OH SHIT, WHAT DO I DO?! How can I do a scene (and, hey, how deep a scene does she actually want?) with no equipment, I can't really take bondage kit on the plane I need to take to get there, can I? I can just imagine the conversation at customs if they checked me... "Sir, would you like to explain the remote-controlled dildo and three sets of handcuffs, along with what looks to be some bondage clothing?" Yeah, I’m so not doing that. This calls for improvisation! Naturally, when the time came to pack, is started too late and didn't remember to actually pack anything that could be remotely useful. So, here I was, a couple hours later, in a rented car with the steering wheel on the wrong side, two suits, the other usual sundries of a businessman going to meet a customer, and my computer bag, car idling in front of the bar she said she'd meet me in. At least I had the wherewithal (granted, only 20 minutes before, but hey, it works for me!) to book another room in a cheap transient hotel, as it would be a little difficult to explain an 18 year old to the owners of the rather nice B&B I usually stay in - heck, they'd seen my – distinctly NOT into Bondage - wife! Ah well. Onwards and upwards. This can only end two ways - me getting arrested, or having a great night. I vote for the latter (remember, I'm a Dom, getting arrested is for the slave). Although... That does give me an idea. I walk into the bar and see her sitting - alone - at a table. Remembering that she said to start the scene right away, I go get a drink first - and realize that in addition to not packing anything useful, I also didn't plan or rehearse the scene. Fuckwit. Okay Telman, think, think, what would work... I flew in from Eastern Europe... How about I pretend I'm a… communist spymaster? And she a double agent gone to the other side? Yes, yes, I know it’s a little weak, I think to myself, not to mention that it'd been done to death, but it's all I have right now. I dredge up my faux Russian accent, and approach. (Please search for "Encounter at Travelodge", or view my profile to start from the first post.)

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