Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The first day to school, part 1. SeXStoRY

The first day to school, where I really do not feel like after that wonderful weeks on vacation in Rome. I really reluctantly went to school and then I had to also introduce my self to all the new people. Phew! I pulled me nothing and looked around to find. Place a free Back I saw an empty seat and I walked past the other students back to the table at the back of the room, where I then took place. I looked a bit around me and saw people chatting with each other, it was mainly girls I saw sitting. Completely in the other corner of the room I saw a girl like me who, it seemed, no one knew. It was a pretty blond girl and I walked over to her, because the teacher was busy with other things. "Hey, I'm Lina!" I introduced myself and gave the girl a hand. "Hello, I'm windy!" She sounded very friendly and I saw that she was laughing. 'Do you know no one here? " "No! I have an hour train ride to get here and everyone I know is keep studying! "In our own city "Well then I'm lucky, because I do not know anyone!" We got to talking until I suddenly heard the teacher talking. "Will you all sit down, then I can begin!" He sounded just as grumpy as when I entered so it seemed like a good idea to give. Responded to his call "I'll see you in the break, I go quickly before that grumpy sent me out!" I turned around and quickly walked to my place. Everyone was quiet and the teacher explained what was going to happen today. He told me that we were going to make a trip through the city and visit various museums. It began to look as if this was a launch day. Mmm if I had known I was definitely stayed at home, because I do not have a training tour! I looked her way windy also just looked at me, they seemed just as 'nice' to find as me. When the teacher had finished his story, we could take a break until we were leaving by bus. I walked straight to Windy and asked her what she vondt an introduction day. Who apparently already knew just as little of me, so I suggested to London together just to go out and go shopping. "Hihi! Yes fantastic! That's my idea, but I did not happen to you! " "Okay then, we'll go!" It clicked right between Windy and me and in my car we drove to the center. I've entertained that afternoon with Windy and was right there to have a new girlfriend. Already feel "Do you want to have dinner tonight? At my house ' I asked Windy when I drove to the station. "How should I tonight back?" "You can stay if you want to sl**p! At my house ' She liked it very much and like to go with me. In the car we both talked about our previous school and our friends. We also talk about our hobbies, our favorite nightclubs and the music we love. At one point so I asked her if she had a boyfriend at the time when they are a little reluctant responded to my idea. "No! I have not a boy! " She said curtly. I was naturally curious and tried it with another question. Something in me said that the girl was lesbian and that I wanted to find out. "Have you ever had a relationship with a boy?" "No!" Again was her short answer. "Okay, but a relationship ever right?" I indignantly asked. She looked at me and said, knew that I knew. "I think your question to the familiar road, I am indeed a lesbian yes, you have a problem with that?" She looked angry, but then disappeared that angry look back, it seemed like they felt attacked. "Hihi no of course not! I find it interesting enough, I once kissed a girl and that was good, but there is no sense to me as when I kiss a girl! ' She laughed suddenly and said, "And that's why I now take girls, because they can kiss so delicious and I love to make love with a girl! ' I nodded and smiled, I did not know what it had to say, I think the blonde girl tried to decorate me!

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